Steve Jobs' famous speech Steve Jobs Speech in Hindi

My another storyIt’s about love and loss. I soon got what I wanted. Woz and I started Apple in my parents’ garage when I was 20 years old. We worked very hard and in 10 years Apple grew from two people to a company of $2 Billion and 4000 people. We just released our best creation Macintosh a year ago, I turned thirty and I was fired from the company.

Young Steve Jobs

How can you be fire from the company you have created? Well, as the company grew, we hired a talented guy who I thought would run the company with me, the first year everything went well…. But then there were differences between us regarding the future vision of the company. The matter reached the Board of Directors, and they supported it, so at thirty, I was fired…publicly fired. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was over, and it was absolutely devastating. I really didn’t know what to do for the next few months.

I realized that by accepting all this so easily, I have let the entrepreneurs of my first generation down. I met David Packard* and Bob Noyce* and apologized to them for letting things go like this. I was a huge public failure, once I even thought of leaving the valley*. But slowly I realized that I am still passionate about the work I do. Because of what happened at Apple, my passion has not diminished in the slightest…. I have been rejected, but I still love my work. So I thought of starting over again. I didn’t think then but now I feel that better thing could not have happened to me than being fired from Apple. The burden of being successful had now changed into the lightness of being a beginner, I was once again feeling very free… Because of this freedom, I was able to enter the most creative period of my life.

In the next five years, I started a company NeXT and another company Pixar and during this time I met a very amazing lady, who later became my wife. Pixar produced the world’s first computer animated movie, “Toy Story”, and is currently the most successful animation studio in the world. Apple took an unexpected step and bought the NeXT and I went back to Apple. Today Apple uses technology developed by NeXT….Now Lorene and I have a beautiful family. I can say with absolute certainty that if I had not been fired from Apple, all this would not have happened to me. It was a bitter medicine…but perhaps the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you like this. Don’t lose your faith. I can say with certainty that I just kept going because I loved my work…I loved my work.

You have to know what you really like to do, as much as it is important to find your love, it is equally important to find work that you really enjoy Your work will be a big part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you really think is a great job...and the only way to do great things is to do what you enjoy doing. If you haven’t found that job yet, don’t stop; Keep looking for him. As with everything related to the heart, you will know when you find it…and as in a good relationship, it will get better with time….so keep searching…don’t stop.

My third story is about death. When I was 17, I read a quote that went like this, “If you live everyday as if it’s the last day of your life, you’ll be proved right someday.” It made an impression on my mind, and since then… for the last 33 years, I have woken up every morning and looked in the mirror and asked myself a question, –

If this was the last day of my life, would I do what I am about to do today?

And whenever the answer is “no” for several days in a row, I understand that something needs to change. Remembering that I will die very soon is what helps me most in making the big decisions of my life. Because once I think about death then all expectations, all pride, all fear of failure disappear and only what is really important remains. Remembering that one day has to die… is the best way to overcome the fear of losing something. You are already naked. There is no reason why you shouldn’t listen to your heart.

About a year ago I came to know that I have cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, in which it was clearly visible that there is a tumor in my pancreas. I didn’t even know what the pancreas is. The doctor told with almost certainty that I have a cancer that is not curable, and now I am just a guest of 3 to 6 months. The doctor advised me to go home and arrange everything, which indirectly means, “You prepare to die.” This means that you try to do the things that you used to do with your children in the next ten years, do them in the next few months. This means that you should organize everything so that after you, your family should have least trouble. This means that you all say good-bye.

I spent a whole day with this diagnosis, then in the evening I had a biopsy where an endoscope was inserted into my intestine through my throat, through my stomach, and some cells were removed from the tumor with a needle. I was unconscious, but my wife, who was there, told me that when the doctor looked at my cells under a microscope, she cried. It is possible. I had surgery and luckily I am fine now.

I have never come so close to death before, and I hope not to reach for the next few decades. After seeing all this I can say with even more confidence that death is a useful but intellectual concept. No one wants to die, even those who want to go to heaven… still death is the destination we all share. Till date no one has survived it. And so it should be Because perhaps death is the greatest invention of this life. It changes life, removes the old and opens the way for the new. And you are new this time. But not much; In a few days you too will become old and will be cleared from the road.

Sorry for being so dramatic but it’s true. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t get stuck in useless thinking, don’t run your life according to others. Don’t let your inner voice drown your intuition in the noise of other’s thoughts. They already know what you really want to be. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there used to be an amazing publication, “The Whole Earth Catalog”, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was brought to life by a man named Stuart Brand, who lived not far from MelonPark here, giving it his poetic touch. This was in the sixties, when computers and desktop publishing did not exist. The entire catalogue was created with the help of ..typewriters, scissors and Polaroid cameras. It was something as if Google had been made in the form of a book….that too 35 years before Google came. He was a role model, full of great tools and great ideas.

Stuart and his team brought out several issues of “The Whole Earth Catalog” and finally a final issue. It was the mid seventies and then I was as much as you. On the back cover of the final issue, there was a view of a village road in the morning. And under that picture it was written, Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”. This was his farewell message when he signed off, Stay Hungry, Stay FoolishAnd I have always wished this for myself, and now that you guys are graduating from here, I wish the same for you, stay hungry, stay foolish. Thank you all very much.

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This book can INSPIRE you to start your own business by listening to your heart. must read.

The GREAT STEVE JOBS died on 5th Oct 2011 after a years-long battle with pancreatic cancer.Such great men are born once in a century, and they have no where to go but to Heaven.

Steve Jobs that this speech in Hindi Click on the video below to watch:

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Why isn’t it amazing speech!!!

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  • biological mother*
  • Calligraphy*- Calligraphy, the art of writing stylishly
  • David Packard* Co-founder of  Hewlett-Packard
  • Bob Noyce*Co-founder Intel
  • valley*- Silicon Valley, San Fransisco, Known for IT companies
  • convocation ceremony*- convocation ceremony

Note: Hindi In translation In spite of being careful in doing so, some errors may occur. Please excuse me.

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