If you want to die peacefully then do these 8 things

If you want to die peacefully then do these 8 things

How To Die Peacefully in Hindi

How To Die Peacefully in Hindi

It does not feel good to talk about dying, but recently I saw so many known and close people dying that I felt that we should talk about it.

Friends, the second wave of corona came and destroyed millions of lives… and the way we Indians live it is almost impossible to stop the 3rd wave.

After the chaos of Corona, there is hardly anyone around whom no family is ruined.

The effect was that death seemed to be the reality of life… of course it was always present but it could only appear “suddenly”, was not sure about it…. Well now the old faith is broken and death is standing in front of us as a new reality.

So what to do?

Afraid of death?

stop living?


Prepare for death!

Yes –

Even if it is difficult to live in peace, you can die!

And today I am telling you some such things in this article which will help you to die peacefully.

8 Ways To Die Peacefully in Hindi

Do these 8 things to die peacefully

1. Get Term Insurance:

This is the best way to save the family from financial crisis after you are gone. Term insurance costs less and insurance more. So do not postpone this important work. If you want, you can also buy term insurance online.

And even if you have already got it done, keep in mind that all your premiums are deposited and the nominee is the one who should be the nominee.

2. Make a Will:

A strange thing happened during the corona period. People of 30-40 age group also started writing their will. Also, after I leave, whose car will be my car, who will take my iPhone and who will be given my flat. You can keep your will safe by meeting your lawyer or by writing it on paper if you have confidence.

3. Disclose your investments:

Tell your spouse or parents about your investments or at least write about them in a diary. Nowadays, we do a lot online, in such a situation, we should also keep important id / passwords in mind, so that we do not have to worry about these things in case of untoward happening.

4. If you want to do something for someone, then do it:

I have a friend, he wanted to get a car for his father, but while waiting for the right time, the wrong time came. His father went to heaven. For the rest of his life, he will regret that he could not get a car for his father. What I mean to say is that you should not hesitate or delay unnecessarily in expressing your love towards your loved ones. Every single day is a golden opportunity to show our gratitude, to show our love… so just do it!

5. Forgive and Apologize:

Earlier life was only 4 days, Corona is bent on shortening it further. ?

So leave your resentment, let your ego go…. whom can be forgiven Forgive him and ask for forgiveness from whomever can be forgiven. By doing this you will feel much lighter! And doing so will prove to be better for you than any other person. But there is one more thing related to relationships, which is covered in the next point-

6. Say Goodbye to Forced Relationships and Friends:

When there are so many uncertainties in life, proper utilization of time becomes even more important. Therefore throw the garbage out of your life. There are many people in our life whose presence makes us feel uneasy, yet we carry these relationships under the mask of smile. There is no need for this, avoid such people and gradually get away from them.

7. Do something good:

Something that makes your soul happy…. One who is bigger than your physical self… that takes you nearer to God…. It can be anything… meditating, worshiping… helping unknown people… adopting a pet… planting a tree…. whatever appeals to you. To bring completeness in life, you must do something by rising above yourself. Do not leave such works for the sannyasa ashram… because you already know how uncertain life is.

8. Stop Postponing Happiness:

There were many occasions when you could enjoy with family or friends, but because of work or to save money, you let go of those opportunities. Sometimes this behavior is understandable… but if it becomes a habit, what’s the use of this life?

You have come to this world not to lose but to gain. Lots of happiness, lots of love, deep satisfaction.

So please stop postponing your happiness….. start enjoying!

So that when you go you don’t regret that you could but didn’t!

Friends, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, but what we can do today depends on us. So let’s do something today so that tomorrow our loved ones get the least inconvenience if we are not there. And I am sure, that once you do these things, you will still be more satisfied and happy than before.

Smiles 🙂

Gopal Mishra

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