How many types of health insurance are there?

Types of Health Insurance in Hindi

Types of health insurance

Medical emergency conditions are never reported and it is likely that the hefty hospital bills, treatment expenses and other such costs will put you in complete jeopardy. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to avoid a health emergency or the expenses that come with it. But a health insurance plan can be helpful in tough times as you do not need to pay anything out of your pocket. So, whether you’re in your early 20s or late 30s, one of the earliest Health insurance Buying a policy is important.

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Health care plans have become much broader than the basics in the last few years, and now there are a plethora of options. Due to which finding the right health policy can be somewhat challenging, but this guide is providing you guidance on the types of health insurance plans and why you need them.

Here are the most common types of health insurance policies:

i. Personal health insurance

For most new policy buyers, it is common to have an individual health plan, under which the sum insured can be availed by only one individual. Individual health insurance covers hospitalization, surgery and medical treatment of the insured policyholder. Such personalized health plans are an excellent option for everyone as they secure both your future and finances.

ii. Family Floater Health Insurance

Family floater plans are very similar to individual health insurance, but there is a significant difference. As mentioned above, in individual policies, the sum assured is fully available to an individual. Whereas in family plans, the coverage amount is shared by all the family members, and you have to pay only one premium charge. Such inclusive plans can be bought by anyone who wants to pay for their spouse, children or even parents. Health insurance Wants to buy a plan.

iii. health insurance for senior citizens

As you can probably tell from the name, senior citizen health insurance is designed for older individuals who are above 60 years of age. Health insurance for senior citizens covers age-related diseases, conditions, ailments and pays for various other medical treatments like AYUSH and also covers annual health checkups. A senior citizen health plan can be a great gift or investment for one’s parents as it ensures both financial and health security during old age.

iv. cancer health care plan

Cancer health plans, also known as critical illness health insurance, are designed to provide adequate medical coverage for cancer patients, including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, among others. Data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s Globocan Project suggests that the cancer burden in India could double over the next 20 years, along with a sharp rise in cancer mortality.

Also, cancer treatments are very expensive, so it is always best to invest in critical illness policies early in life.

v. Health insurance for a specific disease

Most health care plans do not provide coverage for pre-existing conditions, be it diabetes, hypertension or high blood pressure. However, those who want medical cover for such pre-existing diseases can opt for disease-specific health insurance. An added advantage of such a plan is that it can be easily customized or personalized based on the needs of the policy holder.

vi. Maternity Health Insurance

Like pre-existing conditions, maternity costs are usually not covered by most health plans. Unfortunately, even the expenses of pregnancy and childbirth are on the rise, which is why those planning to experience the journey of motherhood should invest in maternity health insurance. Doing so will free you from any financial stress while focusing on taking care of yourself and your baby.

Buy a health insurance policy as per your need

While we have covered the most common types of health insurance plans, there are a few more options that you can explore. These include COVID health insurance, heart health plans, group health insurance, top-ups, unit linked plans (ULIPs), accident cover, and more. It is important to buy health insurance from well-known companies like Care Health Insurance which make the process easy, simple and hassle free. You can learn about all available health care policies on the provider’s website or visit them in person, whichever you are more comfortable with.


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