Health Benefits of Chikoo | Benefits of Chiku Fruit in Hindi

health benefits of chikoo

Benefits of Chiku in Hindi

Benefits of Chiku in Hindi

The unripe fruit of chikoo (Botanical name: Manilkara zapota (sapodilla)) is hard, glutinous and astringent, but becomes soft and juicy when ripe, which may taste almost like a pear. Some chikoos are seedless but usually contain 3 to 12 seeds. Chickpeas are considered to be energy-giving and it is counted among the high-calorie fruits. The sweet taste of chikoo fruit is due to simple sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Main producing countries of Chikoo

Chikoo is originally a fruit of America and South America. Its tree is grown commercially in India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala and Central America. India is the largest producer of it.

varieties of chikoo

Chikoo is often considered a slow growing evergreen tree, many varieties of chikoo have been adopted for cultivation in India, such as – black leaf – black leaf The fruits of chikoo are elliptical and seeds are less. Other – Brown leaves and perennial.

income from farming

According to the climatic conditions and irrigation facility, many plants can be cultivated in the form of intercropping till the sapling plants are grown, such as pea, cauliflower, brinjal, tomato, cocoa, pineapple, Pumpkin, Banana and Papaya etc. In this way, it is possible to use and earn resources even till the time the sapota bears fruit.

Benefits of Chiku Fruit

  • The fruits and leaves are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidant compounds. Chickpeas are also antibacterial.
  • Fruits are rich in vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals.
  • Chickpeas contain flavonoids and bioactive polyphenolic compounds.
  • Chikoo contains a type of natural phenol and antioxidant called catechin, which is present in the leaves of chikoo.
  • Chickpeas contain natural antioxidants that can help protect human cells from the effects of free radicals. These can promote free radical cancer cells and can also induce other diseases.
  • Leaf decoction (leafdication) is consumed in fever, bleeding (hemorrhage), wound and ulcer (ulcer), but after asking the specialist.
  • The leaves have anti-diabetic, anti-cholesterol and antioxidant properties. Anti-inflammatory and relieving symptoms of arthritis have also been found in the extract of the leaves.
  • The leaves have been found to have antimicrobial, especially antibacterial properties.
  • The juice of the raw fruit is said to be helpful in the treatment of diarrhea.
  • A decoction of the bark of the tree is considered useful in the treatment of malarial symptoms such as high fever and chills.
  • In neuralgia, it is said to crush chikoo leaves in oil and apply it on the affected area.
  • Chiku flowers are used as an ingredient of churna (powder) to rub on the mother’s body after delivery.
  • The bark is considered astringent, antipyretic and strong.
  • Chickpeas are high in calories (about 83 calories in 100 grams of chikoo).
  • Chickpea contains high amount of dietary fiber, due to which sufficient stool is formed in the stomach and helps in keeping the bowel movement normal.
  • Chickpeas are rich in Vitamin-A, which helped in keeping the vision normal.
  • Due to the abundance of vitamin-C, chikoo supports the body’s immune system in fighting infections.
  • Gem, jelly and chewing gum are manufactured from chikoo on an industrial scale.
  • Potassium – Potassium present in chikoo is such a mineral which is a type of electrolyte which is essential in the functioning of nerves and helps in contraction of muscles. Regulates the heart rate and also helps in transporting nutrients to the cells and removing waste products from there.
  • Copper – Chickpea contains copper, it plays roles in the formation of red blood cells, in the maintenance of nerve cells and in the activities of the immune system.
  • It also helps in the formation of collagen in the body and absorption of iron in the body from the diet. Most of the body’s copper is found in the liver, heart, brain, kidneys and skeletal muscles.
  • Iron – It is necessary in the growth and development of the body, along with the body needs iron in the formation of hemoglobin and the hemoglobin of red blood cells is such an iron-rich protein that transports oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Is. Iron is also necessary to make a protein called myoglobin that provides oxygen to muscles. Iron also plays a role in the formation of many hormones. Chickpeas contain sufficient amount of iron.
  • Folate – Also called vitamin B9, is a water-soluble (water-soluble) vitamin that helps normalize healthy cell division and pregnancy, and reduces the risk of birth defects. Folate is also found in Chickpeas.
  • Vitamin B1 – It is also called thiamine, which is present in chikoo, it protects against complications in the nervous system, brain, muscles, heart, stomach and intestines. It also plays its role in the flow of electrolytes in and out of muscle and nerve cells. Vitamin B1 is helpful in protecting against a disease called beri-beri, which is a disorder related to the heart, nerves and digestive system.
  • Vitamin B5 – Also called pantothenic acid, it is also necessary for the formation of blood cells in the body, including the conversion of food into energy.

Precautions related to Chikoo

  • The old leaves of chikoo contain toxic alkaloids, so keep them away from the play of young children.
  • The seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, the seeds have to be removed before the fruit is eaten.


Sumit Kumar



We are grateful to Sumit Ji for sharing this informative article on Chiku in Hindi.

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