Creating a happy society through spiritual life

Creating a happy society through spiritual life

Creating A Happy Society Through Spiritual Life

We all live in Kali Yuga and Kali Yuga is the most Tama guna predominant among the four Yugas. In this age, all are running after blind materiality, and are forgetting their real position. We are living animal life and losing human values.

Our society is made up of us only, if we are pure then the society will also be pure. So if you want to build a healthy society, you must first purify yourself. And how can you be pure?

Living a spiritual life

So let us know how a happy society can be established through spiritual life.

Contented life –

When we lead a spiritual life and make Bhakti a part of our life, then the desires start disappearing gradually from our life. And all our attention is focused only on the will of the Lord. And our desire begins to please the Lord and to chant and chant the Lord’s name.

Seeing other rich people do not feel jealous in us. We are content with what we have and serve our Lord with that. If this devotional spirituality spreads in the society, then all these fights, quarrels, animosity, jealousy will go away from the society and a contented and happy society will be established.

sense of help in society

When we lead a devotional spiritual life, we associate with devotees. And all the devotees help each other. and encourage each other to progress in devotion. Due to this selflessness is born in us. And we start seeing not only our own misery, but everyone’s misery. Compassion arises in our mind. And we keep the feeling of welfare of all in mind. Such expressions were said by Isha Christ while crucifixion –

“Lord these people don’t know what they are doing. Forgive them all.”
So a feeling of monotony will arise in the society through devotion and spiritual feeling.

Balanced life –

Spiritual life is balanced. Waking up in the morning at Brahmamuhurta, doing regular Sandhya, chanting, studying and serving the Lord. Lord says in Gita –

“Yuktahara Viharasya Yukchestasya Karmasu”

That is, only those whose diet is pure, their yoga can be attained.

In Bhakti yoga, the rules of all these diets are followed. By following this, both man and society are balanced.

Education to the new generation

Our children imitate us. When we live a spiritual life, our children will also imitate us and live a spiritual life by seeing us. And in this way we will be able to give proper education to our coming generation. And will be able to decide a pure society.

sense of equality

When we practice spiritual practice, we are all equal, just servants of the Lord. There is no feeling of high and low in us. The famous Vaishnava Ramanand ji has said-

“Send to Hari so hoi to Hari, no one asks for caste and creed.”

We all see things from one point of view, of God alone. And by staying the same in all happiness and sorrow, profit and loss, they simply serve the Lord.

Lord says in Shramad Bhagvat Geeta –

“Yogastha: Kuru Karmani Sangatyatva Dhanyanjaya :.
Siddhi-asiddha samobhutva, samatvam yoga uchyate. “

If spirituality comes in the society, then all will be equated.

cessation of crime

Why does anyone commit a crime? Because he finds juice in it. If he doesn’t like it, why would he do it?

So if criminals get the taste of spirituality and if they get engrossed in it, they will not commit crime because now they have something more rosy than that and that is God.
If crime is to be eradicated from the society then spirituality has to be adopted instead of jail.

Relinquishing bitter experience and being drenched in the love of God –

Those who adopt devotional spirituality consider themselves to be “smaller than a straw and more tolerant than a tree.” If someone insults them or speaks bitter words, they forgive him immediately and do not fill their heart with animosity towards him.

They are always drenched in the love of the Lord. And ignoring everyone else as insignificant. If the society adopts devotional spirituality, then everyone will be happy forever.

Blissful life –

If we all adopt devotional spirituality then we can make our life blissful. And only then can we separate from the animals and find solutions to our material problems.

Spirituality is essential for our society, without it there is no other way for the progress of the society.

May all be blessed, may all be well, may all the people of the world be free.

Thank you



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