7 Principles of Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Life Principles in Hindi

Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948 at Birla House, New Delhi. But today, even after seventy-nine years, Gandhiji’s philosophy and his principles continue to inspire crores of Indians. Let us know today on the occasion of his death anniversary:

7 principles of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi Life Principles in Hindi

MAHATMA GANDHI 7 Principles in Hindi महात्मा गांधी के सिद्धांत

1. Truth

Gandhiji was a great advocate of truth, he considered truth to be God. Once the Viceroy Lord Curzon said that the idea of ​​truth came to India from Europe. Gandhiji was very agitated at this and wrote to the Viceroy, “Your view is wrong. The prestige of truth in India has been going on since very ancient times. Truth is believed to be the form of God.”

must read: Powerful speech on 2019 Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti

“Truth is the supreme principle for me. I try to establish truth in words and thoughts. The ultimate truth is God. God has appeared in the world in many forms. I am surprised and speechless seeing him. I worship God in the form of truth. In the pursuit of truth, I can sacrifice something I love.”

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2. non-violence

Gandhiji has given a very subtle thought on non-violence. He writes, “The definition of non-violence is very difficult. The question whether such action is violence or non-violence has arisen in my mind many times. I understand that non-violence is non-violence to not hurt anyone by mind, word and body. But it is impossible for the incarnate to implement it.

Many micro-organisms are killed in breathing. The creatures sitting on the eyelids die only by lifting and dropping the eyelids. Snake. Don’t even kill scorpions, but they have to be caught and thrown away. Even this causes them some pain.

Whatever I eat, the clothes I wear, if I save them, then those who need me more, they can be useful for those poor people. Because of my selfishness, they are not able to get these things. So my use causes a little violence towards the poor neighbour. The vegetation that I eat for my life causes violence to plant life. There is violence in killing, beating, scolding children. Getting angry is also subtle violence.

3. Brahmacharya

He who controls the senses by mind, speech and body, is a Brahmachari. One who has not destroyed the vices of his mind cannot be called a complete brahmacari. Vicious feelings should not be awakened even by the mind and words. Those who practice brahmacharya should keep restraint on food and drink. They should give up the taste of the tongue and should stay away from texture and makeup. Brahmacharya is easy for the self-restrained people.

4. Asteya (not stealing)

It is one of the five fasts. Taking someone else’s things without his permission is theft. It is also theft to take a thing for something other than the one for which we have got it, or to use it for a longer period of time than it has been given to us. What a man takes in excess of his least need is theft. Asteya and aparigraha are states of mind. It is difficult for everyone to follow him so closely. But as man decreases the necessities of his body, he will reach the depths of asteya and non-possessiveness.

5. Aparigraha

Just as stealing is a sin, in the same way it is also a sin to hoard more things. Therefore, it is inappropriate to collect more than what we need for food, clothes and tables, chairs, etc. For example, having a chair is pointless if your work goes the other way.

6. Prayer

Mahatma ji had unwavering faith in prayer. While living in South Africa, he started praying in public. The basic meaning of prayer is to ask. But Gandhiji considered the meaning of prayer to be divine praise, bhajan, kirtan, satsang, spirituality and self-purification. The English poet Tennyson wrote, “All that the world cannot imagine is possible through prayer.” Gandhiji also had some such belief.

No one has seen God. We have to feel it in our heart, for that we should pray. Gandhiji believed in truth as God. He used to represent the meaning of truth as God, who was in the world from the beginning, is now and will be in future also. Worship is prayer. In prayer there should be a desire to be one with the truth. Just as a subject becomes anxious to be one with his objects, so we should also be anxious to be one with that Supreme Truth. There should be distraction in prayer.

7. Health

Mahatma ji cared about health throughout his life and used various concerns for him. He was a staunch opponent of drugs. He followed the rules laid down in him by reading books like Kune’s water therapy, returning to the nature of the spirit, and Salt’s vegetarianism.

So friends, these were the 7 main principles of Gandhiji. Apart from this, Gandhiji had many principles which he used to follow, you can talk about them. read here can.

Watch Principles of Mahatma Gandhi in Hindi on YouTube

Thank you!

Kiran Sahu

Founder: HamariSafalta.Com

We are grateful to Kiran Ji for sharing an informative Hindi article on Mahatma Gandhi’s Life Principles in Hindi

Other articles by Kiran ji read here

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