10 Personality Development Tips in Hindi व्यक्तित्व विकास

Of course you will choose the second option…every person is engaged in putting himself first…I am like this, I like this, I do this….isn’t it? But you separate it from this, you put “You” before “I”.

How are you”, What do you like?, What do you do?

I bet, people will like you more by doing this. If you talk to me then if you talk to me AKC If you talk about it, then I will like you very much. ?

Not only actors, cricketers, or writers, a common man also wants an audience… When you become an audience of a common man, you become special to him. And when you do this with many people, you become special to many people and in the process you become more of a personality than a person, a personality that is loved by all, whose charisma is loved by all. gets influenced.

5. Listen Before You Speak:

You can call this an extension of point 4. When you take interest in others, there should be honesty in it. You asked “What do you like?” That’s why it was not asked that he should finish his answer quickly and you start narrating your story of Ram.

You not only have to give a chance to the person in front to speak first, but also listen carefully to his words and talk more related to him in between. For ex: If someone says that he is fond of traveling, then you can ask him what is his favorite tourist destination, and what are the good places there.

The demand of good listeners never decreases, you become a good listener and see how your demand increases.

6. How to say is more important than what is said:

What you say is more important than how you speak. For ex. If you made a mistake and you say sorry with your mouth open, then that sorry has no meaning. We not only have to use the right words, but we also have to take care of how they are being spoken.

So pay attention to your tone and body language, talk to people in as polite and well-mannered as possible.

Here I would also like to say that many people see the ability to speak English by relating it to personality, while it is not so, you can become a person with an impressive personality without knowing A, B, C.

7. Help people without thinking of their own benefit:

Many times we are in such a situation that we can help others, but out of laziness or thinking that we are of no use in this, we do not help. But a person with a pleasant personality is ready to help people. Yes, this does not mean that you left your important work and kept on helping people, but if you can be of some help if you give some time, then definitely come. Your one selfless help will lift you not only in the eyes of others but also in your own eyes and you will feel good.

You must have heard-

A little bit of fragrance always clings to the hands that gives you roses.

8. Make your external appearance good:

Since our first impression is made only because of our appearance, there is a need to pay some attention to this point.

By appearance, I do not mean that you go to the gym and build your body, or keep going round the beauty parlor, it simply means that you dress-up according to the occasion and pay attention to personal hygiene. Small things like your hair-cut, nails and polished shoe affect your personality.

9. Find out what you can appreciate:

whether it is me, you, or else Mr. BachchanEveryone likes to hear praise. This is a great formula to win people’s heart and make your friend… Praise, give true praise.

Don’t know why it is so difficult to praise someone in India… Must have gone to the orchestra at weddings…. The poor singer sings a wonderful song and instead of clapping people look at each other’s faces… ; It is good that I do not sing in the orchestra, otherwise I would have gone into depression because of such an audience. ?

Well, here I am talking about praise on an individual level. If you search, you will find something to praise in every person; It can be anything – his garden, collection of coins, well decorated room, his smile, his name, anything, if you search, you will see it right. And when you see it, don’t sit in a submissive manner, by praising someone you will give him what he wants from the heart… you will increase his happiness, make his day, and most of all, you carry him that work even further. Will give fuel to. If you are hesitant to speak in front, then do an sms later, tell it by mail, but if something is praiseworthy then definitely praise it.

Yes, if you don’t get it even after trying a lot, then don’t try to fake it… even children understand whether you are praising true or false.

10. Keep on observing and improving continuously:

Personality development is an on-going process. We all have infinite scope of improvement, so don’t ever think that there is just as much improvement as now, rather take some time for yourself and observe your activities, your words minutely, what have you done, how did you do it better. You can do it, it is not that you are considering yourself to be thirty-mark about something and in reality people do not like your point of view.

For ex. A few years ago I realized that in the pursuit of improving people quickly, I would point out so many mistakes that they would lose their confidence; so I improved on this point and now I do this work patiently. You too keep on observing yourself while moving on this path, and keep on improving continuously.

I hope these 10 things will help you in making your personality pleasant.

What to do now?

Now you have to practice these ten things one by one. To start with, you should choose any one point of your choice, keep in mind that you have to focus on only one point at a time. After choosing, apply it in real life. Keep an eye on yourself in your day-to-day activities and see if you are really able to apply it. When you do this for a week, then pick up the second point and practice it now. During this, you kept applying the first point as well, but even if it gets missed, then don’t worry your focus is point 2 at the moment, and that should not be missed.

In the same way, keep practicing the rest of the points as well, and in a few months you will find that you are able to pay attention to all the things at once. Just be patient and keep on moving, and surely you will soon own a pleasant personality.

All the best!

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